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History of Physics

  • Invention of the Electric Battery

    Invention of the Electric Battery
    Alessandro Volta announces his invention of the electric battery. We use batteries for almost everything, this invention made industrialized machines possible. Alessandro made lots of possibilities being he made energy transportable
  • First Electric Motor Built

    First Electric Motor Built
    Michael Faraday builds the first electricity-powered motor. “One of the important applications of electromagnetism is the electric motor. An electric motor converts electrical energy into physical movement. Electric motors generate magnetic fields with electric current through a coil.“
  • Electrical Resistance

    Electrical Resistance
    Simon Ohm states his law of electrical resistance. Ohm's law is vitally important to describing electric circuits because it relates the voltage to the current, with the resistance value moderating the relationship between the two.
  • Discovery of Electromagnetic Induction

    Discovery of Electromagnetic Induction
    Faraday discovers electromagnetic induction. The importance of this is a way of producing electrical energy in a circuit by using magnetic fields and not just batteries anymore. The machines like generators, transformers also the motors work on the principle of electromagnetic induction.
  • Fizeau Experiment

    Fizeau Experiment
    Fizeau and Foucault measure the speed of light in moving water and find that it is slower than in air, in support of the wave model of light.“ Albert Einstein later pointed out the importance of the experiment for special relativity, in which it corresponds to the relativistic velocity-addition formula when restricted to small velocities.”
  • Second Law of Thermodynamic

    Second Law of Thermodynamic
    Lord Kelvin formally states the second law of thermodynamics. 'entropy dictates whether or not a process or a reaction is going to be spontaneous'.
  • Discovery of Radio Waves

    Discovery of Radio Waves
    Heinrich Hertz was the first person to transmit and receive controlled radio waves. “The prime purpose of radio is to convey information. Radio waves have the from one place to another. longest wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. Radio waves do more than just bring music to your radio. They also carry signals for your television and mobile phones, Heinrich made that all possible.”
  • Electron Discovery

    Electron Discovery
    Joseph Thomson discovers the electron.
    “Electrons are very important in the world of electronics. The very small particles can stream through wires and circuits, creating currents of electricity. The electrons move from negatively charged parts to positively charged ones.“
  • A

    Albert Einstein completes his theory of special relativity. “Starting from these two postulates, Einstein showed that space and time are intertwined in ways that scientists had never previously realized. Through a series of thought experiments, Einstein demonstrated that the consequences of special relativity are often counterintuitive — even startling.”
  • Quantum Model Of The Atom

    Quantum Model Of The Atom
    Niels Bohr presents his first quantum model of the atom. The Bohr Model contains some errors, but it is important because it describes most of the accepted features of atomic theory without all of the high-level math of the modern version. Unlike earlier models, the Bohr Model explains the Rydberg formula for the spectral emission lines of atomic hydrogen.