Photography Class timeline

  • Let there be Light!

    Let there be Light!
    Humphry Davy invented the first electric light
  • Non-Permanent Photos

    Wedgewood & Davy's silver nitrate experiments
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition begins

  • Lewis and Clark Expedition ends

    Lewis and Clark reach the pacific ocean
  • Lithography

    patented by Niepce
  • The Negative

    created by Niepce
  • "The First Photograph"

    "The First Photograph"
    taken by Nicéphore Niépce with a camera obscura
  • *Tap Tap Tap Ding!*

    *Tap Tap Tap Ding!*
    W.A. Burt invents the typewriter
  • Charles Darwin Travels to the Galapagos

    Charles Darwin Travels to the Galapagos
    From September to October to study animals, aboard his boat the Beagle.
  • Salt Paper Print

    Salt Paper Print
    Introduced by William Henry Fox Talbot, the first positive prints
    (image shown was taken later in the mid 1840's)
  • Photography Presentation to the World

    on the behalf of Daguerre, who had "a sore throat".
  • Photogenic Drawing - Leaf

    Photogenic Drawing - Leaf
    photo taken by Talbot using his photographic process
  • Calotype Invented

    Calotype Invented
    Invented by Henry Fox Talbot
  • Cyanotype is Invented

    Cyanotype is Invented
    One of the first non-silver methods invented by John Herschel
  • California Gold Rush Begins

    James W. Marshall finds gold in California
  • California Gold Rush Ends

  • First Colored Photograph

    First Colored Photograph
    Taken by Thomas Sutton, using the three color method invented by James Clerk Maxwell
  • American Civil War Begins

  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Abraham Lincoln abolishes slavery
  • American Civil War Ends

  • All Aboard!

    All Aboard!
    Transcontinental railroad completed
  • Muybridge's Moving Horse

    Muybridge's Moving Horse
    Muybridge creates his photo-series using high speed cameras and trip wires
  • The Motorwagen

    The Motorwagen
    The first car, invented by Karl Benz
  • Kodak is Founded

    Kodak is Founded
    “You push the button, we do the rest.”
  • Discovery of the X-Ray

    Discovery of the X-Ray
    Discovery by German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
  • The Brownie goes on sale

    The Brownie goes on sale
    The first mass marketed camera by Kodak for $1