
  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to

    Early lens

    The earliest lens are said to have been made by Da vinci he drew them in his journals
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    Celluloid Roll Film

    A combination of two technologies, silver halides and celluloid based emulsions continued getting improved upon. In 1835, Henry Fox Talbot invented a viable method of spreading a gelatine emulsion on paper. In 1839, astronomer John Herschel came up with a way to fix the image recorded by silver halides.
  • First Camera

    First Camera
    John Zahn in the early 1800's inveted the first camera
  • Period: to


    Photography was making it's was into the news. It's early uses were during the crimson war of 1853
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    Moving pictures

    Moving pictures or motion pictures enhanced photography

    George Eastman invented the button camera " you push the button we do the rest."
  • 35mm Film and the Leica: 1913

    35mm Film and the Leica: 1913
    the 135 was a common format for film, it was used for motion pictures and filmed vertically
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    35mm SLRs: 1957 & 1959

    35mm was most popular during this time, 1957 the first single lens camera was made
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    Digital Reigns Supreme: 1975 - Present

    This is current day photography, the first digital cameras were in the 1980's and 1990's. Then in 1999 the Nikon was introduced which was built to be digital
  • Present Day

    Present Day
    We now have professional cameras at our fingertips with our smartphones