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  • first Photograph

    first Photograph
    the first photo graphs was taken by Joseph Nicephore Niepce in the mid 1800s. The photo is called View from the Window at Le Gras.
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    Celluloid Roll Film

    Metal and glass plates were fragile ,and hard to work with, and somewhat costly for the average person.
  • Enter the Camera

    Enter the Camera
    Photographers generally used cameras designed and made by themselves or skilled craftsmen, adapting lenses made by optical manufacturers to use photographically.
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    in addition to its specific uses and all the art produced, photography also made its way into the news.
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    Moving Pictures

    Motion pictures, moving pictures, or movies are a firm timeline of photography

    you Use this new roll film, build a simple, easy-to-use camera, and market it as a fun use product. In the history of photography.
  • 35mm Film and the Leica

    35mm Film and the Leica
    his format was used primarily for motion picture. It was created by Oskar Barnack in the late 1800's early 1900's
  • Digital Reigns Supreme

    Digital Reigns Supreme
    The history of photography timeline continues progressing through to the present day with digital imaging taking front stage for most photographers