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Photographic History

  • Johann Heinrich Schulze makes fleeting sun prints of words

    Johann Heinrich Schulze makes fleeting sun prints of words
    Johann Heinrich Schulze makes fleeting sun prints of words by using stencils, sunlight, and a bottled mixture of chalk and silver nitrate in nitric acid, simply as an interesting way to demonstrate that the substance inside the bottle darkens where it is exposed to light.
  • Johann Heinrich Schulze

    Johann Heinrich Schulze
    Johann Heinrich Schulze discovered that silver nitrate darkened upon exposure to light.
  • Panaroma

    First Panorama opens, the forerunner of the movie house invented by Robert Barker.
  • Joseph Niepce

    Joseph Niepce
    Joseph Niepce achieves first photographic image using an early device for projecting real-life imagery called a camera obscura. However, the image required eight hours of light exposure and later faded.
  • Louis Daguerre

    Louis Daguerre
    Louis Daguerre's first daguerreotype, an image that was fixed and did not fade and needed under thirty minutes of light exposure.
  • William Henry Talbot

    William Henry Talbot
    William Henry Talbot patents the Calotype process, the first negative-positive process making possible the first multiple copies.
  • Philadelphia

    The first advertisement with a photograph is published in Philadelphia.
  • Law

    Photographs and photographic negatives are added to protected works under copyright law.
  • Film

    Reverend Hannibal Goodwin patents celluloid photographic film.
  • 1st

    First mass-marketed camera, called the Brownie, goes on sale.
  • Sony

    Sony demonstrates first consumer camcorder for capturing moving picture.
  • Canon

    Canon demonstrates first digital electronic still camera.
  • Pixar

    Pixar introduces the digital imaging processor.
  • Eastman Kodak

    Eastman Kodak
    Eastman Kodak announces Photo Compact Disc as a digital image storage medium.
  • Kyocera Corporation

    Kyocera Corporation
    Kyocera Corporation introduces the VP-210 VisualPhone, the world's first mobile phone with built-in camera for recording videos and still photos.