photographic events

  • Lithography was invented

    a way to reproduce images was invented
  • Earliest record of photography in England

    Thomas Wedgewood and Sir Humphrey Davy wrote a paper to the Royal Institution of Great Britain about making pictures with Nitrate of Silver
  • Earliest Surviving Photograph was created

    Joseph Nicephore Niepce made the first surviving photograph (
  • First image made by Henry Fox Talbot

    First image by Henry Fox Talbot's Latticed Window
  • The invention of photography reached the United States

    Daguerre and Fox Talbot's inventions later reached the United States
  • Jacques Mande Daguerre invented the formula for daguerreotypes

    formula for making daguerreotypes was invented by Jacques mande daguerre (
  • Invention of Calotype

    Calotype was introduced by William Henry Fox Talbot using paper coated with silver iodide
  • Cyanotype Process

    The cyanotype process was invented by an astronomer named John Herschel
  • Worlds First Photo Book

    Anna Atkins made the first photo book filled with photographs that used a process called cyanotype
  • Wet Collodion Process

    A new photographic process that produced better quality photos
  • First picture of Abraham Lincoln

    Mathew Brady was a well know photographer that pioneered the use of daguerreotypes and also for photographing the Civil War and public figures such as Abraham Lincoln
  • Abraham Lincoln presidency

    Abraham Lincoln became president
  • Civil War

    The American Civil War
  • The Battle of Antietam

    One of the bloodiest battles in the Civil war called the Battle of Antietam was also photographed by Alexander Garner, this battle also helped to end the civil war
  • Photography of "Gordon, A Runaway Mississippi Slave"

    One of the first pictures of a slave with whip marks on his back
  • Photograph of the Civil War "A Harvest of Deat, Gettysburg"

    Gardner took pictures of the aftermath of battles in the civil war to capture the death of war
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    One of the most important battle of the Civil War with a Union victory
  • Silver Gelatin Process

    Peter Mawdsley invented the Silver Gelatin Process which was a key to advancing black and white photography and colored photographs
  • Photographic Film patented

    George Eastman patented the photographic film
  • Roll film holder patented

    George Eastman patented roll film and holder
  • Kodak Company

    The kodak company was started by George Eastman who invented the first roll film
  • New camera that used rolled film was invented

    Shortly after the rolled film was invented, George Eastman invented a new design of cameras that used rolled film
  • Roll film

    George Eastman invented the roll film to replace glass plates
  • Paul Strand and straight photography

    Paul Strand created a new form of photography