Nokia thouslight


By Nodebem
  • First Telephone Made by Alexander Graham Bell

    First Telephone Made by Alexander Graham Bell
    Alexander Graham Bell created a telephone, which was the first bi directional eloctronic transmition of spoken words.
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    Phones developing forever

  • The Candle Stick Phone became popular

    The Candle Stick Phone became popular
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    Candle Stick Phones in Use

  • Rotery Phone Invented

    Rotery Phone Invented
    The rotery Phone was invented by Almon B. Stowger but it was'nt until 1919, the first Rotary dial was used in service.
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    Rotary Phones popular.

  • Push Button Phone introduced by Bell ( A Company)

    Push Button Phone introduced by Bell ( A Company)
    The Push Button Phone was introduced by Bell, to the public and was first installed in Carnegie, and Greensburg ,Pennsylvania
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    Push Button phones popular.

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    Portable Phones become popular.

  • Motorola DynaTAC realeased

    Motorola DynaTAC realeased
    The Motorola DynaTAC was one of the first mobile phones. It cost about $4000 pounds and talking could last for about 30 minutes.
  • Motorola StarTAC

    This was the first succesful flip phone. Motorola sold 60 million of these.
  • Nokia 5110

    This of the Classic phones. It had a long battery life, and was customizable
  • Blackberry

    Blackberry was one of the leading phones during the 2000s, because of its physical keyboard and BBM, and its advanced email capabilities.
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    Portable phones are popular.

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    Smart Phones are popular

  • Smart Phones are still

    Smart Phones are still
    Smart Phones are used all over the world, creating a new way of comunicating.