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  • The first phone

    The first phone
    The first phone call was made by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.
  • signal boost

    signal boost
    Alexander grahm Bell boosts his long distance calling then calls Dr.Watson from New York to San Francisco.
  • The long call

    The first call made between two major cities. By putting up cellphone lines.
  • Rotary dial

    Rotary dial
    Bell company makes the rotary dial making it easier to make calls without an operater.
  • Portable phone

    Portable phone
    Martin Copper made the first potrtable cellphone call in 1973
  • public test

    The first public customers get to test the phones system put out by Bell Labs and AT&T.
  • camera phone

    camera phone
    The first camera phone was made by Philippe Kahn.He took the first picture of his newborn baby. That was the first ever taken.
  • The first phone

    The first phone
    Apple released the first iphone to the public.