Shrinking cell phones


  • The first telephone invented was by Alexander Bell Grham

    The first telephone invented was by Alexander Bell Grham
    Alexander invented the first phone in 1876. He worked at a school for the deaf while attempting to invent a machine that would transmit sound by electricity.
  • Later invented was the cordless phone

    Later invented was the cordless phone
    The Cordless phone was invent by Teri Pall . She decided it'll be better to communicate
  • The Phone Bag

    The Phone Bag
    After the car was invented, people wanted to drive and and talk on the phone while drive so they would plug it into the cigarette lighter
  • The 1g mobile phones was invented

    The 1g mobile phones was invented
    Phones were invented with screens and smaller so more capable to transport around
  • 2g Mobile Phones

    2g Mobile Phones
    The second generation introduced text messaging. 2G also introduced the ability to access media on mobile phones.
  • Blackberry Phone

    Blackberry Phone
    the black berry phone was an more updated generations and more popular
  • The extraordinary iPhones

    The extraordinary iPhones
    iPhones were the first phones to let you video chat and is much more upgraded