Jb recon telephone 1 m


By 25109
  • the first phone

    the first phone
    Alexander Graham Bell is commonly credited as the inventor of the first practical telephone.
  • how they first phone was made

    how they first phone was made
    He and his assistant, Thomas Watson, were working on a harmonic telegraph. When a reed stuck on Watson's transmitter an intermittent current was converted to a continuous current. Bell was able to hear the sound on his receiver confirming his belief that sound could be transmitted and reconverted through an electric wire by using a continuous electric current.
  • the first words on a phone call

    the first words on a phone call
    They were spoken by Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, when he made the first call on March 10, 1876, to his assistant, Thomas Watson: "Mr. Watson--come here--I want to see you."
  • the next phone

    the next phone
    [www.softschools.com/timelines/cell_phone_timeline/28/] Dr. Martin Cooper invented a portable hand-held phone that didn't need to be powered through a car. He was the first person to make a mobile phone call. the phone in the pic is not actually the seconed phone
  • other phones

    there are many types phones that have changed history.like rotory.
  • 2000's phones
