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Phone timeline

  • first phone

    first phone
    Alexander Graham Bell created the first ever phone, and they called the phone talk with electricity and it was made in1864.
  • 2nd phone

    2nd phone
    And this is the second phone created by Antonio Meucci, and it was called the phone
    Made in1875
  • 3rd phone

    3rd phone
    And this is the third phone created by Almon Brown Strowger, and it's called the rotary phone and it was made in 1892
  • 4th phone

    4th phone
    And this is the fourth phone created by Mikhail Gorbachev, and it was called Nokia Mobira Cityman 900 ad it was made in 1987
  • 5th phone

    5th phone
    And this is the fifth phone created by the brand motorola, and it's called the Motorola StarTACand it was made in 1996
  • 6th phone

    6th phone
    And this is the sixth phone created by apple and motorola, and it was named ROKR E1 it was made in 2004
  • 7th phone

    7th phone
    And the seventh phone was created by apple, and it was call the iphone 1 and it was made in 2007
  • 8th phone

    8th phone
    And the 8th phone was created by apple,and it was called iphone 3g it was made in 2008
  • 9th phone

    9th phone
    And the 9th phone was created by apple ,and it was called the iphone 4 coming in white and black and it was made in 2004
  • 11th phone

    11th phone
    And 10th phone was created by apple, and it was called the iphone 5c which came in many colors and it was made in 2013
  • 10th phone

    10th phone
    And the 11th phone was created by apple and it was call the iphone 5s which came in rose gold black, gold and silver and it also was made in 2013
  • 12th phone

    12th phone
    And the 12th phone was created by apple and was called the iphone 6s/6 and it came in rose gold,silver, dark grey and pink and it was made in 2015
  • 13th phone

    13th phone
    And the 13th phone created by the company apple, and it's called the iphone 7 and it was made in 2016
  • 14th phone

    14th phone
    And the 14th phone was created by the company named apple and it was called the iphone 8 it was made in 2017