My neighbors and grandparents phones
People did not update the phones. -
This phone was on the highway near my house.
Many of the families in the area I grew up in did not have a phone. They would walk to this phone to make a call. People would also give this number out and set a time to receive a call. -
The phone I grew up with. Phone where always in the kitchen.
We had an extra long cord. The long cord make it so you could go into the dinning room and sit down to talk. -
Phone for the bedroom
Now you could talk all night. -
A cordless phone
You had to make sure you where not to far from the base or you could lose your call. -
Motorola First Car Phone
After college my husbands first job was working for Motorola. We had this is our car. We were sooooooo cool. -
Motorola Mobile Phone
My husband had one of these. Once again we were hot stuff. -
Phone for farmers
My first cell phone
What I use today
Period: to
Samsung 7 My phone today