
  • First Commercial Telephone

    First Commercial Telephone
    invented by Alexander Graham Bell. Single transmitter receiver inside wooden box.
  • First Dial Phone

    First Dial Phone
    The first phone created where the caller was able to dial a number.
  • First Cordless Phone

    First Cordless Phone
    Invented by jazz player Teri Pall and sold it to manufacturer where it was modified for practical use.
  • First Flip Phone

    First Flip Phone
    the MicroTAC was the first Motorola model to support bombshell design and one of the first handheld electronics until 1993.
  • The First Smartphone

    The First Smartphone
    IBM released first smartphone that had more capabilities than the other phones
  • First Iphone

    First Iphone
    The first iPhone released by Apple Inc.
  • iPhone X

    iPhone X
    the first iPhone X released that made history as the best phone on the market