Pinterest 1


  • Telephone invention

    Telephone invention
    It was invented by the Italian Antonio Meucci
  • 1880's phone

    1880's phone
    Gower-Bell Phone
  • 1895's phone

    1895's phone
    L. M. Ericsson Phone
  • 1920's phone

    1920's phone
    Well-known phone model from the Bell company.
  • 1934's phone

    1934's phone
    First phone with bell and without the wooden box.
  • 1963's phone

    1963's phone
    First phone with keys.
  • 1980's phone

    1980's phone
    Digital and computerized telephone.
  • 1920's phone

    1920's phone
    Wireless phones appear.
  • 2000's phone

    2000's phone
    Phones are smaller and have more functions.
  • 2010's phone

    2010's phone
    Start of smart teleponos