Born - December 7, 1928
Avram Noam Chomsky was born in Philadelphia, PA. His father was William Chomsky, a Ashkenazi Jew who fled the Ukraine in 1913, then became a principal in 1913. His mother was Elsie Simonotsky who was a teacher and activist.
He was raised as a Jewish moderate-left Democrat, but was influenced by socialist family members involved with International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. -
Began Education
Chomsky began classes at only 16 years old at the University of Pennsylvania. He finished in 1955 with a PhD. -
Pioneering the Field of Psycholinguistics
Chomsky began work that ultimately created a new field combining linguistics and psychology. With the publication of his book,
"Syntactic Structure", he began the "cognitive revolution" (Chomsky, 11). One of his most influential books, Syntactic Structures published in 1957, Chomsky, Noam, and David W. Lightfoot. Syntactic Structures. Mouton De Gruyter, 2002. -
Published “Aspects of the Theory of Syntax”
His work in generative grammar in this book, introduced certain technical innovations (1) still used in modern linguistics today.. Chomsky's influence on linguistics was considered similar to Darwin's on evolution and biology. (2)
1 Friederici, Angela D. “Aspects of the Theory of Syntax, 50th Anniversary Edition.” The MIT Press, The MIT Press, mitpress.mit.edu/books/aspects-theory-syntax-50th-anniversary-edition.
2 “Home.” Famous Scientists, www.famousscientists.org/noam-chomsky/. -
APA Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Psychology
Chomsky received an Awards for Distinguished Scientific Contributions for enlarging our definition of scientific psychology. His is credited for inspiring linguists with a new conception of grammar and of linguistic theory. http://psycnet.apa.org/record/2009-12376-001 -
Interview with Chomsky
The Minimalist Program
Chomsky published this book, building off of his previous work in generative grammar to create a new research program in the field. His minimalist approach in this book he believed "is a program, not a theory." (Chomsky, Preface) Chomsky, Noam. The Minimalist Program: 20th Anniversary Edition. The MIT Press, 2015. -
Benjamin Franklin Medal in Computer and Cognitive Science
Chomsky was awarded this medal for his development of a system of linguistic analysis that is the basis for computer languages. His work has also provided insight into the processes of human thought. https://www.fi.edu/laureates/noam-chomsky -
Sydney Peace Prize
Chomsky is a know political activist, beginning with his opposition to the Vietnam War in the 1960s and has been an active critic of American foreign and domestic policies. He was awarded this Peace Prize for his 50 years of work on freedom of speech and human rights as well as his work in science. http://sydneypeacefoundation.org.au/peace-prize-recipients/2011-professor-noam-chomsky/