Torion's Philosophers of Science

By Torion
  • Auguste Comte: father of Sociology and Positivism.

    Auguste Comte: father of Sociology and Positivism.
    Born January 19, 1798 in Montpellier France, Isidore-Auguste-Marie-François-Xavier Comte is best known as the originator of positivism and sociology during a time in France succeeding the period of the French revolution and Napoleonic campaigns where a more stable, social-centered republic was quested. His work six-volume “Course of Positive Philosophy (1830-1842)" helped map that direction as Europe was remodeling its destiny. He died Sep. 5, 1757.
  • Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin
    Born Feb. 12, 1809, Charles Darwin was an English naturalist who authored "On The Origin Of Species" (1859), an outline of the explosive theory that humanity shared common ancestry with animals and evolution by natural selection. Though highly controversial with the religious community of Victorian society it not only gained favorable traction with the ascending institutions of science but also with insidious institutions across the world.
  • Niels Bohr

    Niels Bohr
    Born Oct. 7 1885, in Copenhagen Denmark, Niels Bohr is regarded as one of the preeminent physicist of the 20th century. He proposed the atomic model which the electron occupied only certain orbits around the nucleus. This model was first to apply quantum theory that was later used to articulate the spectral lines of hydrogen. His contributions earned him the Nobel prize for physics in 1922. He passed Nov. 18 1962 at 77 years old.
  • Karl Popper

    Karl Popper
    Born Jul. 28, 1902 in Vienna Austria, Karl Popper was a British philosopher of natural and social science. His principle contribution to the philosophy of science was the 'Falsifiability criterion' in his book Logik der Forschung (1934; The Logic of Scientific Discovery). Despite being published by the Vienna Circle of logical positivists Popper rejected their concept of inductive empiricism and developmental historicism. He passed Sep. 17 1994.