488 BCE
Socrates (469 BC – 399 BC) – philosopher, dealt with issues of epistemology, ethics.
Rationale point of view, in his opinion, should be in dispute. Only when considering the concept from different angles, according to Socrates, it is possible to find the truth.
In his arguments, the philosopher Socrates used inductive rather than dogmatic, like many scientists of his time. Another great difficulty in the biography of Socrates is the consideration of ethical issues. So the philosopher believed that the prerequisite for morality. -
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), English philosopher and writer, best known for his treatise on the state – "Leviathan, or the Matter, form and power of the state Church and civil" (1651г.)
Hobbes created the first complete system of mechanistic materialism, to correspond with the nature and requirements of science at that time. Geometry and mechanics for Hobbes — perfect examples of scientific thinking in General. Nature seems to be the Hobbes of the set of extended bodies, differing in size, shape, position and movement. Movement is understood as mechanistic — as moving. -
Rene Descartes (1596 – 1650) mathematician (founder of analytical geometry), physicist, philosopher.
Major mathematical works of Descartes – "Discourse on method" (in the book questions of analytic geometry), and applications to the book. The scientist also considered the symbolism of vieta, polynomials, solving algebraic equations, complex number (a mathematician called "false"). In addition, in his biography of Rene Descartes studied mechanics, optics, reflex activity of man. -
Benedict Spinoza was born in Amsterdam on 24 November 1632, His parents were Portuguese Jews who had fled to the Netherlands from persecution of the Inquisition.
From the philosophical writings of Spinoza are the main his famous "Ethics", "Treatise on the improvement of the mind" (CA. 1662) and "Theological-political treatise" (1670). In "Ethics" Spinoza set out to provide a system of the provisions of God, the human spirit and the material world, which his steadiness would be like an unbroken chain of mathematical reasoning. -
David Hume – son of a Scottish landowner, was born in Edinburgh in 1711, died in 1776
David Hume continues to develop empirical theory of knowledge. The result of this partly skeptical, negative, and in this sense, the rights of Windelband when he says that "in the face of Hume's empiricism is itself rejected and condemned". But the great merit of Hume because he summed up the results of the metaphysical doctrine of empiricism and tried to finally make ends meet in the theory of experience as the only instruments of knowledge. -
KANT, IMMANUEL (1724-1804), the largest German scientist, philosopher, founder of German classical philosophy, a man whose work has had a huge impact on the development of philosophical thought of the eighteenth and subsequent centuries.
Kant worked on the solution of four tasks: metaphysics, morality, religion, anthropology. The main works in the field of epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, thanks to which Kant's thought is widely spread, were "Critique of pure reason", "Critique of practical reason", "Critique of judgment".
In the theory of knowledge Kant singled out categories: quantity, quality, relation, modality.