philosopher Timeline

  • David Bloor Birth

    Li, Zheng-Feng, et al. “Go Strong or Go Home: An Interview With David Bloor.” East Asian Science, Technology and Society, vol. 4, no. 3, Sept. 2010, pp. 419–32.
  • Bloor's book "Knowledge and Social Imagery" was published.

    Professor Bloor, influenced by Wittgenstein's philosophy, introduced the concept of finitism to explore how knowledge claims are socially constructed. It highlighted the contributions of sociologists in understanding this framework. The discussion then shifted to the achievements of the Strong Programme over three decades. Professor Bloor elaborated on his recent work and methods for introducing meaningful case studies to beginners in Science and Technology Studies.
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    Bloor's connection to philosophy

    David Bloor made significant contributions to the philosophy of science by developing the Strong Programme in the sociology of scientific knowledge. His work challenged the notion of scientific objectivity, arguing instead for the social construction of scientific knowledge. Bloor's symmetry principle and critique of positivism reshaped how scholars understand the role of social factors in shaping scientific beliefs and practices.
  • A Social Theory of Knowledge

    In 1983 Bloor published "Wittgenstein: A Social Theory of Knowledge" in which he reviews Wittgenstein's sociological work. The book discusses how Wittgenstein's ideas can be developed using examples drawn from history, anthropology, and the social sciences. Wittgenstein: A Social Theory of Knowledge (Macmillan and Columbia, 1983)