Philosopher - Friedrich Engles

  • Friedrich Engels was born.

    In Barmen, Germany.
  • Der Deutsche Michel Wants You.

    He was assigned to an artillery regiment in Berlin.
  • To be, or not be... A Communist?

    He traveled to England to work at his Family's firm, and it appeared to have him believe in their potential of for a communist revolution.
  • Marxism in Manchester.

    Friedrich Engels meets Karl Maxx. The two would collaborate based on mutual views in Socialism.
  • Published.

    Engels published "The Condition of the English Working Classes" which was a study of the the state of the working class. Engels, Friedrich, and CNPeReading. Condition Of The Working Class In England.
  • Manifesto.

    Engels and Marx put out their Communist Manifesto, which stated the principles and policies of Communism. Manifesto Of The Communist International. C.E.C. Communist Party Of America, 1920.
  • To the Kingdom of Bavaria

    Engeles wrote an article "The Maygar Struggle."
  • R.I.P Mary Burns

    His partner of over 20 years Mary Burns passed away
  • R.I.P. Mr. Marx

    After Marx death, Engels planned to protect his legacy. By republishing his work and creatin new volumes
  • End of Era.

    Friedrich dies of Cancer in London at the age of 74