Apr 13, 1528
Philip was eleven months old when he received the oath of allegiance as heir to the crown from the Cortes of Castile.
the Portuguese nobleman Rui Gomes da Silva and Luis de Requesens, the son of his governor Juan de Zúñiga. These men would serve Philip throughout their lives, as would Antonio Pérez, his secretary from 1541.
Phillip Married
Phillip married his cousin, Maria of Portugal -
Philip son Don Carlos was born (1545-1568)
Jul 25, 1554
Philip II of Spain married Queen Mary I of England
Feb 5, 1556
Henry II of France and Philip II of Spain signed the truce of Vaucelles.
Aug 29, 1557
First Bankruptcy
Sep 23, 1559
The Escorial, an enormous palace built on a grid plan for Philip II, was begun in Madrid.
Jan 5, 1560
Philip married Elizabeth of France
Apr 20, 1566
Phillip's daughter Isabella Clara Eugenia (1566–1633) was born
Nov 7, 1567
Phillip's daughter Catherine Micaela (1567–1597) was born
May 4, 1568
An eighty year war of independence from Spain was carried on by the Calvinist and predominantly mercantile Dutch provinces.
Jun 30, 1570
King Philip II bans foreign Dutch students.
Philip went bankrupt for the third time
Philip's son Philip III (1578-15210 was born.
The fourth bankruptcy