
Phillip II of Spain

  • May 21, 1527

    Phillip II was born

    Phillip II was born
  • Feb 13, 1543

    Philip married his cousin, Maria of Portugal

    Philip married his cousin, Maria of Portugal
  • Oct 11, 1545

    Phillip's son, Don Carlos, was born

    Phillip's son, Don Carlos, was born
  • Jul 25, 1554

    Philip II of Spain married Queen Mary I of England

    Philip II of Spain married Queen Mary I of England
  • Feb 5, 1556

    Henry II of France and Philip II of Spain signed the truce of Vaucelles

    Henry II of France and Philip II of Spain signed the truce of Vaucelles
  • Jan 5, 1560

    Philip married Elizabeth of France

    Philip married Elizabeth of France
  • Apr 20, 1566

    Phillip's daughter Isabella Clara Eugenia was born

    Phillip's daughter Isabella Clara Eugenia was born
  • Dec 10, 1578

    Phillip's son Philip III was born

    Phillip's son Philip III was born
  • Jan 1, 1581

    Philip II, King of Spain, becomes King of Portugal

    Philip II, King of Spain, becomes King of Portugal
  • Philip II of Spain died

    Philip II of Spain died