Phillip II of Spain

  • Period: 1527 to 1540

    Growing Up

  • May 21, 1527


    On May 21st, 1527 Phillip II was born.
  • 1543

    First Marriage

    In 1543, Phillip II gets married to his cousin Maria of Portugal
  • 1560

    Second Marriage

    He married Elizabeth of France
  • 1567

    Persecution of Christianity

    He persecuted the Christians moors living in Spain
  • 1569


    Forms an inquisition in South America
  • 1581

    Expansion of Power

    He became the king on Portugal in 1581
  • El Escorial

    In 1584, the palace near Madrid finishes
  • Christian Crusade

    With the support from Pope Sixtus V He is able to invade England.
    The invasion would later be called a christian crusade.
  • Period: to


    Phillip II becomes involved with a war between the Spanish and the Huguenots
  • Death

    Phillip II died from cancer on September 13th, 1598