Philip ll timeline

  • 1527


    Born to emperor Charles V and Isabella of Portugal
  • 1543

    Married Maria of Portugal

  • Period: 1545 to 1568

    Son Carlos was born

    Son of Maria and Philip
  • 1554

    Married Queen Marry of England

  • 1556

    Philip ll was king of Spain

    Philip ll was king of Spain
    King of Spain from 1556-1598
  • 1557

    First big bankruptcy

  • 1560

    Married Elizabeth of France

  • Period: 1566 to

    Isabella Clara was born

    born to Philip and Elizabeth
  • Period: 1567 to

    Catherine Micaela was born

    Born to Philip and Elizabeth
  • 1573

    Increase in billion shipments from South America to Spain

  • 1576

    Bankrupt third time

  • Period: 1578 to

    Philip lll was born

    Born to Philip and Elizabeth
  • 1580

    Seized the Portugal Kingdom

  • 1581

    Became king of Portugal also

  • Invaded the England territory

    Invaded the England territory
  • Fourth bankruptcy

  • Died