Philip The ll

  • Period: Nov 12, 1543 to Jul 12, 1545

    Philips 1st marriage.

    in 1543 he married Princess Maria of Portugal whom was his cousin she gave birth to his son but died four days after from internal hemorrhaging.
  • Period: 1554 to Nov 17, 1558

    Philips 2nd marriage

    seeking peace with England king Philip married another one of his cousins Queen Mary I of England (bloody Mary).
    side note (after Mary died Philip tried to marry her younger sister)
  • Period: 1559 to 1568

    Philips 3rd marriage

    Philip married a french princess known as Princess Elisabeth of Valois whom was initially intended to marry his son but Philip married her instead. Elisabeth gave Philip two daughters but died due to complications of the second daughters birth.
  • Jul 24, 1568

    Carlos dies

    Carlos dies
    king Philips first son and heir to the throne died from starving himself in protest after his father imprisoned him in his room because of his plans to leave Spain.
  • Period: 1570 to Dec 3, 1580

    Philips 4th marriage

    his fourth marriage was to his nice his niece Anna. who gave him a son, Philip the 1578. their marriage ended after Anna's death on October 3rd 1580
  • 1580

    king Philip seized power over Portugal and all of its colonies abroad

    king Philip seized power over Portugal and all of its colonies abroad
    in the year 1580 the reining king of Portugal dies and king Philip seizes control over Portugal which vastly expanded his empire
  • William the silent is assasinated

    William the silent is assasinated
    while the nether-lands were revolting against Philip the II put a reward on the leader of the resistance against him and he was soon assassinated in 1584 by a catholic fanatic.