Philip ii

Philip II of Spain

  • Period: May 21, 1527 to

    Philip II of Spain

  • 1528

    At eleven months

    At eleven months
    In April 1528, when Philip was eleven months old he received the oath of allegiance as heir to the crown
  • 1540

    Duke of Milan

    In 1540, Philip was made the Duke of Milan, he began governing the most extensive empire in the world at the young age of sixteen
  • Feb 13, 1543

    Philip married his cousin, Maria of Portugal

  • Oct 11, 1545

    Philip's son Don Carlos was born (1545-1568)

    Philip's son Don Carlos was born (1545-1568)
  • Jul 25, 1554

    Philip married Queen Mary I of England

    Philip married Queen Mary I of England
  • Jan 2, 1556

    Philip II was crowned the King of Spain

  • Feb 5, 1556

    Henry II of France and Philip II of Spain signed the Truce of Vaucelles

  • Aug 10, 1557

    Spanish and English troops defeated the French at the Battle of St. Quentin

  • Aug 29, 1557

    Philip II of Spain goes bankrupt for the first time

  • Jan 5, 1560

    Philip married Elizabeth of France

    Philip married Elizabeth of France
  • Apr 20, 1566

    Philip's daughter Isabella Clara Eugenia was born (1566-1633)

    Philip's daughter Isabella Clara Eugenia was born (1566-1633)
  • Nov 7, 1567

    Philip's daughter Catherine Micaela was born (1567-1597)

    Philip's daughter Catherine Micaela was born (1567-1597)
  • Oct 11, 1576

    Philip II of Spain goes bankrupt for the third time

  • Dec 10, 1578

    Philip's son Philip III was born

  • Jan 1, 1581

    Philip II King of Spain becomes the King of Portugal

  • Philip decides to invade England

  • Philip II of Spain goes bankrupt for the fourth time