Philip II

  • 1540

    Philip received the Ducy of Milan

  • 1543

    first wife

    first wife
    his first wife was Maria of Portugal, which was also his first cousin.
  • 1551

    traveled world wide

    "Philip, a very dutiful son, took this advice to heart. From 1543 Charles conferred on his son the regency of Spain whenever he himself was abroad. From 1548 until 1551, Philip traveled in Italy, Germany, and the Netherlands, but his great reserve and his inability to speak fluently any language except Castilian made him unpopular with the German and Flemish nobility"
  • 1554

    second wife

    second wife
    his second wife was Mary of England, and her and Philip II became joint sovereign of England until Mary's death
  • 1555

    Philip recieved the Franche comte'

    the Franche comte' is a historical region and former région of France
  • 1557

    won war over the French at Saint - Quentin

  • 1559

    third wife

    third wife
    his last wife was Elizabeth of Valois, who is the daughter of Henry II of France
  • 1559

    Peace of Cateau Cambre'sis

    his third marriage was a result of the war between Spain and France
  • 1563

    El Escorial

    El Escorial
    Philip built a palace called El Escorial, it took many years and money building it.
    time frame: 1563-1584
  • Oct 23, 1566

    Dutch Revolt

    there were angry protestant mobs that when through catholic churches. Philip raised taxes in the Netherlands, just so he could get rid of Protestantism. People did not agree with him so they rebelled. As a result he executed the rebellions killed over 1,5000 people in just one day
  • 1568

    daughter death

    "Elizabeth bore Philip two daughters, Isabella Clara Eugenia (1566–1633) and Catherine Micaela (1567–97). Elizabeth died in 1568" (
  • 1571

    the Battle of Lepanto

    the Battle of Lepanto
    Philip II defeated the great Ottoman offensive in the Mediterranean at the Battle of Lepanto
  • Jun 18, 1571

    200 ships to an Ottoman Empire near Lepanto

    200 ships to an Ottoman Empire near Lepanto
    King Philip sent 200 ships to an Ottoman near Lepanto in 1571. The pope wanted a Catholic Princess to go against the Ottoman Empire. So Philip took charge by helping and sent the ships to the empire.
  • Launching the Spanish Armada

    Philip launched the Spanish Armada (even though it was defeated). He did this because Queen Elizabeth I was a supporter of the Protestants who had rebelled against Philip.
  • Holy League

    Philip II faced rebellion and war in the Netherlands. He sent money and his troops to support the Holy League
  • king of portuguese

  • Peace of Vervins

    Philip II had to accept (Peace of Vervins) his succession as Henry IV of France
  • Philip gets sick

    Philip finds out he has cancer and is unable to rule any longer. Luckily his song Philip III took after his father