Philip II

  • 1545

    First Wife's Death

    First Wife's Death
    Philip's first wife, Maria of Portugal, died in 1545 from giving birth to Don Carlos.
  • 1554

    Marriage to Mary I of England

    Marriage to Mary I of England
    The marriage between Mary I and Philip II could have brought England into the possession of the Habsburg family but they failed to produce a child.
  • 1557

    First Bankruptcy

    One of his first acts as monarch, in 1557, was to restructure the debt inherited from his father in what is usually called a bankruptcy.
  • 1559

    Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis

    Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis
    Philip spent lots time trying to secure Habsburg possessions in Italy and bring conflict to an end with France. He did this by signing the Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis.
  • 1566

    Dutch Protestants Revolt

    Protestants swept through the catholic churches, angering Philip II. He sent the army to punish the rebels.
  • 1568

    Don Carlos

    Don Carlos
    After finding out about his son siding with the Dutch Philip II imprisoned Don Carlos, and he died six months later.
  • 1571

    Spanish navy vs. Ottoman navy

    The naval war between the Spanish and Ottoman empires peaked in 1571 at the Battle of Lepanto. At that Battle the Spanish navy crushed the Ottomans which ended the Ottomans threat to southern Spain.
  • 1576

    Spain Went Bankrupt Agian

    Philip II borrowed money from German and Italian bankers and payed of debt by sending whatever silver was brought in they sent it it to Germany and Italy.
  • Apr 14, 1578

    Philip III

    Philip III
    The issue of not having a male heir was solved when Anne of Austria gave birth to a boy, Philip III.
  • Spanish Armada

    The Spanish Armada proved Philip II's inability to subdue the English, and he failed to suppress the revolt of the Netherlands.