Thomas Kuhn 1922-1996

  • Education Development

    Education Development
    Thomas Kuhn attended Harvard University and graduated with his bachelor's in 1943 with Summa Cum Laude. After graduating he continued to complete his physics Master's degree in 1946, but that wasn't the end of his education. Thomas pursued his Doctorate in physics which he completed in 1949.
  • Teaching Career

    Teaching Career
    Shortly after graduating Harvard with his doctorate in physics, Thomas Kuhn became a member of the elite Society of Fellows at Harvard. Than began teaching classes to undergraduate students, developed by the President of Harvard. Thomas taught curriculum at Harvard until 1956.
  • Paradigm Shift

    Paradigm Shift
    "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions", one of, if not the most commonly cited books in an academic setting. One of the big highlights from Thomas Kuhn's book was the new concept of a Paradigm Shift. The shift consisted of 5 phases, beginning from the pre-paradigm phase where incomplete theories requiring deep research start, all the way the phase 5 with the Post-revolution: this is after the scientific revolution and in this phase we reset back to normal science phase to continue research.
  • Professor of Philosophy/The debate

    Professor of Philosophy/The debate
    Moving to the Princeton University in 1964, Kuhn became the full time Professor of Philosophy and History of Science. In 1965 as a result from the International Colloquium debate, Thomas "explicitly gave his work an anti-realist element by denying the coherence of the idea that theories could be regarded as more or less close to the truth." This was a first and Kuhn felt underappreciated for his work.