Phases of Reconstruction 1863-1877

  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    This act frees slaves in the states which seceded from the union. This was created by Abraham Lincoln. The Proclamation allows blacks to enter troops and military positions. Surprisingly the North was extremely frustrated by this act because it changed the focus of the war. It made the war more about slavery rather than the union itself. The south was frustrated due to the lack of slaves. It was now illegal for them to maintain slavery in their states.
  • Lincolns Reelection

    Lincolns Reelection
    The Northerners favored Abraham Lincoln. They reelected him as president. This is would greatly impact the future of history.
  • Freedmen's Bureau

    Freedmen's Bureau
    This was established by congress, it was meant to help millions of both former black slaves and the poor whites. To the south, this was the aftermath of the Civil War. This act was to help the helpless.
  • Abraham's Assassination

    Abraham's Assassination
    Abraham Lincoln had many enemy's due to his ability to create his dreams. Everything he believed in, would come true. He acted upon his desires and it worked. People were upset about that. Especially people who didn't see eye to eye with him. The power he had meant the lack of power they had. He was sadly killed.
  • 13th amendment is Ratified

    13th amendment is Ratified
    This ratification abolishes slavery and gets passed through the senate. Once the freedom of slaves was legal, the south tried to contain their power by forming Riots such as the Memphis Race Riot, and the Klu Klux Klan. All formed through white superiority. Killing thousands of black and former slaves. These Riots and groups destroyed many homes and family's. The goal the south was trying to accomplish was to enforce oppression on blacks.
  • Reconstruction Acts

    Reconstruction Acts
    This act split the confederacy into 5 military districts. It also allowed African Americans to vote.
  • Johnson Elected for Presidency

    Johnson Elected for Presidency
    Throughout Johnson's whole presidential time, he was extremely hated by all Northerners due to his ideas, and action plans going extremely against Lincolns. They decided to try to Impeach his presidency but lost the impeachment by 1 vote so he remained in office.
  • 14th Amendment is Ratified

    14th Amendment is Ratified
    This meant taking away the citizenship to all born into slavery. This ratification even included taking away the rights of African Americans which had been in place since after the Civil War. This was all due to Johnson, which created a hated relationship between him and the North.
  • Hiram Revels Election Into Senate

    Hiram Revels Election Into Senate
    The election of Revels was after the removal of Johnson from office. He was the first black male to come into the senate. This was under Grants presidency.
  • 42 Congress

    42 Congress
    In the 42 congress there were a total of 5 black members associated with the party. This was a huge turning point in African American history and would impact the reconstruction greatly.
  • First Black Governor

    First Black Governor
    The first black governor was elected into office causing a huge step forward into the start of equality.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The civil rights act of 1875 allowed the idea of equality among all to flourish. This gave rights to all African Americans. Including the rights of public accommodations. Unfortunately this rules unconstitutional in 1883.
  • The End of the Reconstruction Era

    The End of the Reconstruction Era
    As president Hages is in office. He decides to pull the the troops from continuing the Civil War in order to protect the rights of the African Americans. This because an issue later along in history though seemed the be the best solution in the moment. The Reconstruction ends.