Battle Of Charlestown
The Battle of Charlestown occured in Charlestown, South Carolina. This battle was fought because the British wanted to take over the Southern Colonies. The Bristish ended up in victory and ended taking over Charlestown. In this picture the Americans are standing on the mound trying to defend from the British. -
Period: to
Phase 3: Bloody War In the South
Battle Of Camden
This battle happend in Camden, South Carolina.This battle occured because the Americans wanted to take some land back from the Southern Colonies. The British ended up wining and the Americans confidence fell to a new low. In this picture the British are killing the Americans. -
Battle Of King's Mountain
This battle happend near the boarder of North and South Carolina. This battle happend because the American Patriots wanted to kill the American Loyalists. The Americans won this battle. The Frontiers captured almost all of the American Loyalists. In this picture the American Patriots are killing the the Amercan Loyalists and indians. -
Battle Of Cowpens
The battle of Cowpens happend in South Carolina. This battle happend becasue they wanted to confront Corn Walis in South Carolina. The Americans won a forced Corn Walis to move North. In this picture the Americans are riding horses and killing all of the British. -
Battle of Yorktown
This battle happend from August of 1781 to October of 1781. This battle also happend in South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia.It happened because the Americans wanted to trap the British and stop them from getting more supplies. The Americans won and Corn Walis had to surrender to the Americans. Two Years later the British and Americans sign the treaty of Paris. War ends. In this picture the Americans are getting over the British's fences.