Phar Laps Birth
Phar Lap was foaled. -
Period: to
Phar Lap - Born to Present
Phar Lap was sold for 160 guineas.
The horse sold cheaply at only 160 guineas (£168). This was the lowest price paid for any horse at auction that day. -
Phar Lap won first event
He won his first event after a couple attempts as a two year old. -
Phar Lap became a melbourne cup favourite.
Phar Lap left Australia
Phar Lap wins first oversees race
Phar Lap injured his hoof at a training camp
Phar Lap dies
Scientists discover the disease that killed Phar Lap
Scientists confirmed that he died from duodenitis-proximal jejunitis
Dr. Ivan Kempson investigated Phar Laps body to see if they could find anything.
Dr Ivan takes Phar Laps hide and hair to discover more about him.
They discovered he took a large dose of arsenic before his death
His skeleton is mounted in the Dominion Museum in New Zealand.
His stuffed hide is displayed in the Melbourne Museum.