Nov 13, 1000
3500-2900 BC
Phoenicians/ Sumerians/ Egyptians
Keep records
Preserve history
Record laws
People could communicate over distances of space and time -
Nov 14, 1049
printing press with moveable type
Pi Sheng
Johannes Gutenberg (Germany)
Produce many copies of books and papers, for less money and time than hand-copying
It allowed more people to get information more quickly -
long distance telegraph
Samuel Morse
electrical current pulses moved an electromagnet a long distance away
for the first time, people could communicate over long distances immediately -
Guglielmo Marconi (Italy)/ recently Nikolai Tesla (Croatia/US)
sends radio waves across distances without the use of wires
no longer were wired lines needed to carry information, many people could receive the same signal -
Alexander Graham Bell
sent many impulses across wire at the same time, when the telegraph could send onlly one
people could talk to each other from far away without having to use the dot and dash system of Morse code -
Many--Philo Farnsworth patents in 1927
Transmitted visual images and sound over airwaves
First time people could actually see images instead of read or hear spoken descriptions of them -
computers and internet
1936 1st programmable computer;
1969 ARPAnet (1st internet) started
Too many to list
Konrad Zuse 1st programmable;
US military ARPAnet
data is packaged into IP (internet protocol) packets, sent over a network to another computer that uses TCP (transmission control protocol) to put it back together in the right order
people could freely send messages, data, pictures, video, etc. to anyone connected anywhere in the world -
mobile phone
1973 (but the idea was there a long time before)
1983 first network in US
Dr. Martin Cooper invented 1st modern handset
Personal portable radio transmitter which goes to a base station (cell) and is then relayed to other cells
People have personal and private access to speak without wires over great distances instantly