Peter Paul Rubens

  • 1568

    Mother & Father Fled the Spanish Netherlands

  • Jun 28, 1577


    Siegen, Germany
  • Father Died

  • Returned Back to Antwerp

    Only his Mother
  • Artistic training began

    Tobias Verhaecht
  • Moved Studios

    Adam Van Noort
  • Apprenticed

    Otto Van Veen
  • "The Portrait of a Young Man"

  • Admitted into the painters' guild and Antwerp

  • Accompanied the Duke to Florence for a Wedding

  • Set off to Italy

  • Arrived in Rome

  • Period: to

    First major Roman commission

  • Sent on first Diplomatic assignment to Spain

  • First Major Equestrian Portrait

  • Second trip to Rome

  • Received his Crowning Commission in Rome

  • Mother Was Sick

  • "Adoration of the Magi"

  • Got Married

  • Period: to

    "Rubens und Isabella Brant in der Geißblattlaube"

  • Period: to

    Conclusion of Negotiations

    The Twelve Years' Truce
  • Period: to

    "The Elevation of the Cross"

  • Bought His Town House

  • "Landscape with Stone Carriers"

  • Period: to

    Enormous Production of Altarpieces

  • Period: to

    "Descent From the Cross"

  • "The Four Rivers of Paradise"

  • "The Last Judgement"

  • "Jagd auf nilpferd und Krokodil"

  • Received First Tapestry Commission

  • Period: to

    Taught Anthony Van Dyck

  • Period: to

    "Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus"

  • Period: to

    Altarpiece Devoted to Saints Ignatius and Francis Xavier

  • Acquired a Vast Collection of Ancient Sculptures

  • "Christ on the Cross"

  • Contracted to Design 39 Ceiling Paintings

  • Executed Masterly Portraits

  • "Lion Hunt"

  • Designed Sculptures for the Jesuit Church

  • Expiration of the Twelve Years' Truce

  • Called to Paris by the Queen

  • Period: to

    21 Huge Canvases for the Queen

  • Period: to

    Portrait of Future Sister-in-law

  • Period: to

    Tapestry for the Emperor Constantine

  • His "Adoration of the Magi"

  • Period: to

    "Assumption of the Virgin"

  • Period: to

    Portrait of Sons Albert and Nicolaas

  • Marriage-by-Proxy in Paris

  • Painted an Equestrian Portrait

  • "Landscape with Philemon and Baucis"

  • Commissioned to do a Vast Tapestry Cycle

  • Period: to

    "Triumph of the Eucharist"

  • Wife Died

  • Left for the Spanish Court

  • England was Ready to Negotiate

  • Period: to

    "Allegory of Peace and War"

  • Peace Treaty between England and Spain

  • Remarried

  • Period: to

    The Twilight Decade

  • Period: to

    "Garden of Love"

  • Period: to

    Rubens "Kermesse"

  • Philip IV Knighted him

  • Period: to

    "Life of Achilles"

  • Period: to

    Whitehall Ceiling

  • Infanta Isabella Died

  • "Venus and Adonis"

  • Purchased his Country Estate

  • "Feast of Venus"

  • "Landscape with a Rainbow"

  • Period: to

    "Het Pelsken"

  • "The Horrors of War"

  • Youngest Son

    Same Name
  • Designed a Triumphal Carriage

  • "Self-Portrait"

  • Period: to

    "Self-Portrait with Helena and Peter Paul"

  • Died