Diego costa 733921

Personality Timeline

  • Birth

    I was brought to life on this day with my twin sister Dana and it's a very special date to me.
  • Parent's divorce

    My parents got divorced and my mum left. It reflected my life a lot.
  • My step little brother got born!

    My step little brother got born!
    Ever since my little brother got born my life has changed to better. I'm thankful to have him.
  • My passion for writing.

    The day I realized that writing is my passion is when I knew that I can express my thoughts and feelings by writing and the first time I realized my passion for writing I started working on my very first story.
  • My very first concert

    My very first concert
    On this day I attended the a concert for the first time in the fomula 1. It was Avici's concert.
  • My 16th birthday

    My 16th birthday
    Turning 16 was like a huge deal to me, I felt like an adult.
  • The day I met my crush on parlor

    I met my crush on parlor and it was the best day of my life. We talked a lot and I couldn't stop thinking about him.
  • Death of my grandma

    My grandma was really special to me and her death got me so devastated and sad. I was so close and attatched to her.