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Personal Timeline Project - A.FLANIGAN

  • Foreign News

    Foreign News
    A Singapore Airlines Boeing 747 collides with construction equipment. 79 passengers, and 4 crew members all died.
  • Period: to

    My Life

  • Political

    George W. Bush is elected president. He won by a very narrow margin, and didn't even win the popular vote in the process.
  • Technology

    The spacecraft NEAR Shoemaker enters the orbit of the asteroid Eros. It is the first satallite to orbit an asteroid.
  • Military

    U.S. Sailors on the Navy destroyer Cole were hurt in a Yemen terrorist explosion. 17 men died, and 39 more were wounded.
  • Economic

    The average house costs $134,000. This is 27x the average cost in 1900.
  • Religion

    The Supreme Court banned public schools from having pregame prayers. This angered many schools, and many are just ignoring it.
  • Educational

    Google opened their open resource search. This helps kids in schools and learning nationwide.
  • Foreign News

    Foreign News
    A Scandinavian plane and a twin engine cessna collide on takeoff. 118 people end up dead.
  • Political

    Democrats Gain control of the U.S. Senate for the first time in 7 years. This allows them to easily pass democratic laws with a majority.
  • Technology

    Apple announces iTunes at the Macworld Expo in San Fancisco. They also unveil their first portable computer, the Powerbook G4.
  • Military

    Two terrorist planes are crashed into the World Trade Centers. This is the first attack on U.S. Mainland since the War of 1812.
  • Economic

    Tropical Storm Allison makes landfall, causing $5.5 billion in damages. This is the costliest Tropical Storm in U.S. history.
  • Religion

    During a trip to Syria, Pope Jonh Paul II becomes the first Pope to enter a mosque. This helps bridge the gap between Muslims and Christians Worldwide.
  • Educational

    The No Child Left Behind Act is made into law. This controversial law holds all schools responsible for every child's growth.
  • Foreign News

    Foreign News
    In a Ukraine air show disaster a fighter jet crashes, killing 85 and injuring over 100. This is the largest air show disaster in history.
  • Political

    The Treaty of Moscow is signed. This required both Russia and the U.S. to reduce the amount of strategic weapons in use.
  • Technology

    The Mars Odyssey finds signs of large ice deposits on Mars. This is the first real sign of subsurface water on Mars.
  • Military

    The U.S. invasion of Afghanistan: Operation Anaconda begins. It ends after 500 taliban deaths and 11 western soliders.
  • Economic

    The dot com bubble bursts. This crashes stock, with companies like Amazon going from $107 a share to $7 a share.
  • Religion

    Pope John Paul II organizes a day of prayer commerating the 9/11 attacks. Religions from all over the world are represented.
  • Educational

    A large number of U.S. and international students enrolled at U.S. colleges drops. Some countries student attandence drops by as much as 25%.
  • Foreign News

    Foreign News
    An earthquake hits the city of Bam in Iran. More than 20,000 people die, and 2,500 year old buildings crumble.
  • Political

    Alabama Chief Justice is suspended after refusing to comly with orders to remove a stone tablet with the 10 Commandments.
  • Technology

    When the space shuttle Columbia was reentering the aptmoshere, it desentigrated. All 7 crew members died.
  • Military

    In a 2003 "friendly fire" accident 2 U.S. A-10 Thunderbolt 2 attack British tanks. They end up killing a British solider.
  • Economic

    A blackout hits Canada and the U.S. It ends up causing just New York $1.05 billion.
  • Religion

    The U.S. Senate voted 94-0 that they strongly disagreed with the desicion not to reconsider whether "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegence was unconstitutional.
  • Educational

    The Higher Education Act is amended and reauthorized. It expands acces to higher education for low and middle education students.
  • Foriegn News

    Foriegn News
    The Chechen president Akhmad Kadyrov is killed during a WWII memorial celebration. A land mine underneath the stage explodes.
  • Political

    In New York the capital punishment is declred unconstitutional. Despite this, certain federal cases can still declare a death sentance.
  • Technology

    A NASA Collection satellite crashes in reentry in Utah. Even with the crash, most of the samples were still collected.
  • Military

    Military police commited civil rights crimes against prisoners. They physically and sexually abused them, among other things.
  • Economic

    The U.S. dollar is banned from use in Cuba. Any U.S. dollar can be exchanged for Cuban pesos for 10% commision.
  • Religion

    Massachusetts becomes the first U.S. state to legalize same-sex marriage. This causes religous controversy nationwide.
  • Educational

    Drop out rates in some states reach 7.9%. In some states however, it is 2%.
  • Foreign News

    Foreign News
    Chad declares war on Sudan on December 18th. This is following the attack on Andre, in which 100 people die.
  • Political

    A riot Toledo, Ohio breaks out in a National Socialist/Neo-Nazi protest. Over 100 end up arrested.
  • Technology

    Space Shuttle program STS-114 Mission - Launch of Discovery. This is NASA's first flight since the Columbia disaster.
  • Military

    North Korea announces that it posses nuclear waepons as a protection from the hostility it feels from the U.S.
  • Economic

    Hurricane Dennis chashes into the oan-handle of Florida. It causes billions in damage.
  • Religion

    Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is elected Pope Benedict XVI. There are Christian celebrations worldwide.
  • Educational

    For 8 decades after 1915, educational wages dropped. However, by 2005, these wages came back to the same they were in 1915.
  • Foreign News

    Foreign News
    A magnitude 6.9 earthquake hits off the Greecian island Kythira. It is felt all through the Mediterranean.
  • Political

    Representative John Boehner oh Ohio becomes the house majority leader. He beat out acting majority leader Roy Blunt.
  • Technology

    The NASA space probe New Horizions is launched, the first mission the Pluto. It is schedueled to get there in July of 2015.
  • Military

    4 Canadian soliders are killed by an IED in Afghanistan. This is the greatest Canadian single day loss since the Korean War.
  • Economic

    In 2006 gas prices jumped almost a dollar in 7 months. This is one of the biggest jumps in U.S. history.
  • Religion

    More than 50% of the U.S. is protestant, and 25% is Roman Catholic. The other 25% is atheist or other religions.
  • Educational

    Wikipedia reaches its 1,000,000th article on its English website. This website helps kids with information nation wide.
  • Foreign News

    Foreign  News
    Bulgaria and Romania officially join the European Union. Bulgarian, Romanian, and Irish all become official languages of the European Union.
  • Political

    Nancy Pelosi is elected as the first female speaker of the house. This is a big step for women politicians.
  • Technology

    Aple Inc. unveils the iPhone. It goes retail for between $499 and $599 USD.
  • Military

    On June 2nd, the USS Carter engaged in combat with Somolian pirates after they captured a danish ship. The Carter was unable to pursue after the pirates entered Somalian waters.
  • Economic

    The "Global Financial Crisis" peaks in 2007 - 2008. It is said to be the greatest recession since the Great Depression.
  • Religion

    Studies are done, proving many Americans are very uneducated when it comes to religion. For exaple, 60% of Americans don't know the 5 of the 10 Commandments from any of the 3 major religions.
  • Educational

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is released. This series has inspired kids to read for many years.
  • Foreign News

    Foreign News
    Cyclone Nargis hits Myanmar (Burma). It causes 138,000 deaths and, and that's not counting the secondary fatality rate.
  • Political

    Barack Obama becomes the first African American to be nominated for president. He wins the election later this year.
  • Technology

    The iPod comes out. With wifi, it has all of the same capabilities as the iPhone.
  • Military

    The Gora Prai airstrike by the U.S. kills 11 Pakistani paramilitary. These are civilians organized in military fashion.
  • Economic

    Gold hits a record $1,001 per ounce. This is because with the weaking dollar, it is a means of saftey.
  • Religion

    California becomes the secpnd state to legalize same-sex marriage. This comes after the Supreme Court saying the ban is unconstitutional.
  • Educational

    In Northern Illinois University a gunman opened fire on a lecture hall. 18 people were wounded, and 6 died.
  • Foreign News

    Foreign News
    The Sri Lanka government announces it's victory over rebels. This ends their 27 year war on terrorism.
  • Political

    U.S. Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan killed 13 and wounded 43 at Fort Hood, Texas. The shooting produced more casualties than any other on an American military base.
  • Technology

    In the year after the Apple App Store came out, over 2,000,000,000 apps had been downloaded. This started an app store craze acorss all platforms.
  • Military

    A U.S. Navy guided destroyer the "Port Royale" ran aground off of Hawaii. It damaged the ship and a reef.
  • Economic

    Gereal Motors files for bankruptcy. It is the 4th largest bankruptcy in U.S. history.
  • Religion

    Many of the once great U.S. religions - like Catholisism and Protestant - are shrinking. They are being replaced by Atheism and other world religions.
  • Educational

    The Common Core State Standards Initiative is launched. It is expected to be adopeted by most states.
  • Foreign News

    Foreign News
    An earthquake occurs in Haiti, destroying the capital Port-au-Prince. 230,000 poeple die as a result.
  • Political

    The repeal of the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy was signed into law. This policy had banned openly gays from serving in the U.S. Military.
  • Technology

    Twitter skyrockets, now worth 3.7 billion. It was comepletly redesignded in this year, and is expected to only get more more popular.
  • Military

    Operation Iraqi Freedom ends. The last U.S. brigade teams cross the border to Kuwait.
  • Economic

    Deepwater Horizon rig explodes in the Gulf of Mexico. It is estimated that 4.9 billion barrels of oil escaped.
  • Religion

    After the Haiti earthquake, many groups sent relief to help, icluding many religious groups. One group in Idaho was convicted of child smuggling charged, and many such groups came under question.
  • Educational

    With the U.S. entrenched in the "great recession" states face massive budget cuts. As many as 300,000 techers face layoffs.
  • Foreign News

    Foreign News
    The Egyptian Revolution of 2011 begins. This leads to protests, civil unrest and disobedience, and even rallies in the hundreds of thousands.
  • Political

    After years of controversy, it is proven that Barack Obama is a U.S. citizen. Still, 13% of Americans still express doubts.
  • Technolgy

    The space shuttle Discovey makes it's final launch. This is after 39 missions and 27 years of service.
  • Military

    A helecoper containing members of Navy SEAL 6 is shot down. 38 people die.
  • Economic

    The April 25 - 28 tornado spree was the worst on record. It caused over 11 billion in damages.
  • Religion

    With only 85% of Americans affiliating with a religion, all religions are dropping in number. However, 95% of all people who affiliate with a religion are Christian.
  • Educational

    As of December, 33 states and Washington D.C. have been granted waivers from some No Child Left Behind requirements.
  • Foreign News

    Foreign News
    Floods in the Japanese island of Kyushu kill 20. They displace another 250,000 people.
  • Political

    Mitt Romney is nominated by the Republican party. He loses to Barack Obama, who is relected.
  • Technology

    The Dragon is the first private spacecraft to dock with the ISS. It has manned flights planned in 2 -3 years.
  • Military

    A U.S. soldier kills 16 civilians in Afghanistan. He is sentanced to life in prison without parole.
  • Economic

    Disney's movie "John Carter" loses them up to $120 million. This makes it one of the greatest movie losses of all time.
  • Religion

    The American Episcopal Church becomes the first church to approve a right for blessing gay marriages.
  • Educational

    Adam Lanza invades Sandy Hook Elementary School. He kills 26, making this the second deadliest sinle person shooting in U.S. history.
  • Foreign News

    Foreign News
    After two months of rising tensions between the two, North Korea officially declares war on South Korea.
  • Political

    A U.S. bipartisan bill temorarily avoids the fiscal cliff. This is only for a short time, and ends ina government shutdown.
  • Technology

    2 rats brains are connected by wires, for the first time. They can now share information back and forth between brains.
  • Military

    5 American soldiers were killed by a bomb in Afghanistan. The vehicle they were driving in hit a roadside bomb, and blew the vehicle up.
  • Economic

    Walmart becomes the largest company by revenue on the Fortune 500 list. Behind it are Exxon Mobil and Chevron in 2nd and 3rd.
  • Religion

    Pope Benedict XVI resigns. He is the first Pope to do so in 600 years.
  • Educational

    The School district of Philidelphia announces it will cut 4,000 employees. This includes 676 teaching positions.
  • Foreign News

    Foreign News
    Claiming it as its own territory, Russia annexes Crimea in Ukraine. This is the first event of this kind since the days of Stalin.
  • Political

    President Obama raised minimum wage for federal contractors to $10.10 an hour. While minimum wage in some states is higher, federal minimum wage is still $7.25 an hour.
  • Technology

    As freshwater becomes more rare, new ways to get it are becoming available. One such way is through desalination, but this has a nasty by-product: brine. With advances in tech, this can now be mined for precious recources and not wasted.
  • Military

    Rising tensioins between NATO and Russia are keeping militaries worldwide on alert. For instance, there are 600 U.S. men stationed in Poland.
  • Economic

    Cincinnati is the 133rd most espensive city to live in in the world. New York, the most expensive city in the U.S.,is only 8th in the world.
  • Religion

    The first openly gay Bishop gets a divorce. He says that gay couples face all of the same troubles as normal couples do.
  • Educational

    Standardized testing was set to be comepletly redesigned by 2014. These projectsobviously fell through, as we are taking the OAA this week.