Personal Timeline Project

  • Social

    The state of Vermont passes a law that legalizes Civil Unions for same-sex couples.
  • Technology

    Mobile phones are becoming incresingly popular and are starting to become an essential consumer product.
  • Political

    Hilary Clinton was elected to the U.S. Senate representing New York, launching her political career into action.
  • Military

    The Panama Canal that connects the pacific and atlantic ocean was finally handed over to Panama after 75 years.
  • Religion

    Pope John Paul II visits israel to pray for forgiveness of the sins of those involved in the Holocaust.
  • Economy

    The Euro falls to record low against the U.S. dollar.
  • Foreign News

    An earth quake in Gujarat, India kills more than 20,000 people.
  • Political

    George Bush refuses to sign the Kyoto Agreement on Climate change.
  • Technology

    Wikipedia, a wiki free content encyclopedia goes online.
  • Military

    A terrorist attack known simply as "9/11" took place as hijackers simotaniously took control of four planes from American Airlines.
  • Economy

    Pacific Gas and Electric in California files Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
  • Foreign News

    Miss World Pageant causes riots in Nigeria.
  • Politial

    George W. Bush creates the Department of Homeland Security on June 7th to fight threats of terrorism.
  • Technology

    The Mars Odyssey finds signs of huge ice deposits on planet Mars.
  • Military

    U.S has been at war with Afghanistan and Iraq since 9/11.
  • Economic

    Forest fires in Colorado destroyed nearly 100,000 acres of land, making them the worst in the state's history.
  • Religion

    Priest's indescresion uncovered when files show major cover up for preists accused of abuse.
  • Foreign News

    Lance Armstrong wins his fifth Tour De France.
  • Political

    Voters recall governer Gray Davis from office and elect Arnold Schwarzenegger to suceed him.
  • Technology

    The space shuttle Columbia disinegrates over Texas upon reentry, killing all seven astronauts on board.
  • Military

    President George Bush announces major combat is over on May 1st.
  • Economic

    U.S. interest rates are at a 45 year record low of 1%, and the core inflation rate is at a 37 year low at 1.3%.
  • Religion

    Terrorists from Al-Qaeda drive two trucks packed with explosives and bombs into the Bet Israel and Neve Shalom synagogues in Istanbul turkey, killing 27.
  • Foreign News

    Suicide bombers in Iraq detonate car bombs in Basra, killing at least 74.
  • Political

    President George Bush beats Democratic challenger John Kerry to gain a second term of presidency.
  • Technology

    Facebook is launched as a social networking site open only to students from harvard in February.
  • Military

    U.S. has been at war with Afghanistan since September 11, 2001.
  • Economic

    Oil peaks at just over $50 a barrel then retreats back to below $50.
  • Technology

    Microsoft releases the xbox 360 gaming console in North America.
  • Military

    War with Afghanistan since September 11, 2001.
  • Economic

    Winter ice storms leave nearly one million without power on Atlantic Coast.
  • Religion

    Pope John Paul II dies and over four million people travel to the vacation to mourn him.
  • Foreign News

    Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is elected president of Liberia becoming the first woman president in an Afrocan country.
  • Political

    George Bush starts his second term as 43rd president of the United States.
  • Foreign News

    Tsunami strikes the Indonesian island of Jara, killing 300.
  • Political

    President Bush acknowledged secret CIA prisons around the world outside of the U.S. legal jurisdiction.
  • Technology

    Nintendo releases the Wii in North America.
  • Military

    North Korea declares it has carried out its first test of a nuclear weapon, becoming the world's 9th nuclear power.
  • Economic

    The U.S. Energy Department has released a report that there are about a trillion barrels worth of oil in the form of oil shale reserves in the Green River basin.
  • Religion

    A stampede during the Stoning of the Devil rirual on the last day at the Hajj in Mina, Saudi Arabia, kills 362 muslim pilgrims.
  • Foreign News

    An earthquake measuring a magnitude of 8.0 strikes the central coastal area of peru leaving around 500 dead.
  • Technology

    Apple introduces the iPhone.
  • Economic

    Rupert Murdoch aquires Dow Jones & Co., which includes the Wall Street Journal.
  • Political

    Nancy Pelosi is elected as the first female speaker of the U.S. Congress.
  • Military

    British troops withdraw from Basra, Iraq, leaving Iraq security forces in control.
  • Religion

    In Burma the military Junta shut off acess to the outside world, including internet access, and moved against protest from Buddhist monks leaving over 1,000 dead.
  • Foreign News

    Fidel Castro steps down as president of Cuba after almost 50 years in power.
  • Political

    The U.S. government gives the OK to the production and marketing of foods derived from cloned animals.
  • Technology

    Apple sells the Macbook Air that is less than an inch thick and turns on the moment it is opened.
  • Military

    Estimates are coming out which puts the cost of the war in Iraq so far at close to 3 trillion dollars.
  • Educational

    Following on from more production of "One Laptop Per Child" laptops, more children in third world countries are given the oppertunity to use the internet for education.
  • Economic

    Property prices fall on both sides of the Atlantic in Europe and America, causing hardship to many homeowners and problems for financial instistutions.
  • Foreign News

    The World Health Organization declares H1N1 influenza strain as a global pandemic.
  • Political

    Barack Obama is inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States.
  • Technology

    An American and Russian sattelite collide over Siberia, creating a number of conspiracy theories.
  • Military

    North Korea announced it had conducted a second successful nuclear test in the province of North Hamgyong.
  • Economic

    Ongoing financial crisis and reccession which began in late 2007 continues with many calling it the worst financial crisis since the great depression.
  • Foreign News

    The 2010 FIFA World Cup takes place in South Africa.
  • Political

    The financial crisis & high unemployment continues and America begins to try and spend their way out of recession by creating more jobs.
  • Economic

    BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster in the gulf of Mexico leaves gulf beaches ruined, and the fishing and shellfish industry reeling.
  • Technology

    Apple releases iPhone 4 but there are consumer problems with the antenna design.
  • Military

    The U.S. increases the number of troops stationed in Afghanistan, hoping to squash the Taliban and Al Queada terrorist groups that operate from and in the country.
  • Foreign News

    An underwater earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0 hits off the coast of Japan, causing a tsunami and the Fukishima nuclear disaster. Nearly 16,000 people died.
  • Political

    Arizona congress woman Gabrielle Giffords wa shot while making a public appearance in Tucson.
  • Military

    The U.S. military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy that banned open homosexuality in the armed forces was officially repealed.
  • Economic

    The Occupy Wall Street movement began as a protest meant to highlight income inequality in the United States and the rest of the world.
  • Technology

    The U.S. Defense Department tests a hypersonic missile that could travel at 5 times the speed of sound.
  • Educational

    20-year-old Adam Lanza attacked Sandy Hook Elementary in Newton, Connecticut, killing 26 people, consisting mostly of children. He killed himself before he was caught.
  • Foreign News

    The summer olympics are held in London, England.
  • Political

    President Barack Obama was re-elected for his second term after running against Mitt Romney.
  • Technology

    The Mars science labratory or "Curiosity Rover" successfully lands on Mars.
  • Military

    War in Afghanistan since 9/11.
  • Economic

    Russia lifts a 26-year-old ban on importation of British beef and lamb after and agreement was made.
  • Religion

    The Church of Denmark approved same-sex marriages.
  • Foreign News

    A powerful meteor explodes near Chelyabinsk in Russia and injures nearly 1,500 people while causing damage to several thousand buildings.
  • Political

    President Obama is inaugurated for his second term.
  • Technology

    Edward Snowden leaks information about the NSA's secret cell phone and internet data gathering program.
  • Military

    North Korea continues missile tests, increasing tension between the secretive nation and the rest of the world.
  • Economic

    A gallon of gas costs and average of $3.80.