Personal Timeline Project

  • Moved from Hayward to Elk Grove

    Moved from Hayward to Elk Grove
    This is a personal achievement. I moved from Hayward to Elk Grove when I was 2. This changed my life because I would not be going to this school or have known the people I know today if I did not move from their.
  • Graduation from Pre-School

    Graduation from Pre-School
    This is my academic achievement. I went to pre-school since i could not start kindergarden. I learned how to count and my ABC's. I also learned how to talk with others in English.
  • Graduation from Kindergarden

    Graduation from Kindergarden
    This is an academic achievement. I learned lots of new things. I learned basic vocabulary. I also made new friends and played with them.
  • President's Award

    President's Award
    This is an academic achievement. I received the president's award for having outstanding grades and citizenship. It was an honor to be receiving the president's arward. It taught me that I can achieve anything I want.
  • Went to India

    Went to India
    This is a personal achievement. I learned the true meaning of a Punjabi SIkh wedding. It was a week long celebration. I found out about some interesting rituals and ceremonies. Also, I got to know more of my parents relatives.
  • Buying a new house and moving

    This is a personal achieivement. Through moving houses, I learned how much work it can be. I also had to walk to my old elementary school. Walking to and from there was a distance and I learned how to cross the street and not talk to strangers.
  • Promotion from Elementary School

    Promotion from Elementary School
    This is a academic achievement. I learned basic math skills. I also learned lots of new vocabulary words. Moreover, I learned how to make friends and enjoy school.
  • Promotion from Middle School

    Promotion from Middle School
    This is an academic achievement. I promoted as a valedictorian.I learned how to communicate with teachers. I also learned how to balance homeword from all my clases everyday
  • Valedictorian in Middle school

    Valedictorian in Middle school
    This is an academic achievement. I was able to be a valedictorian along with many others. I managed to get a 4.0 GPA even after missing 3 weeks of school in 7&8 grade.
  • Joined AVID

    Joined AVID
    This is an academic achievement. I joined AVID in my sophomore year. I joined since my friends were in AVID and also because I wanted explore colleges and be involved.
  • Passed the CAHSEE

    This is an academic achievement. I passed the CAHSEE with really high scores. I did not prepare myself to take the CAHSEE but I still passed. I was happy with my scores because I though I did bad but actually I didn't.
  • Got my driving permit

    This is a personal achievement. I passed my permit test with a 100%. I can now drive myself anywhere I want. Soon, I will have my own car.
  • SoCal Field trip

    SoCal Field trip
    Visited 6 different colleges/universities and DisneyLand
    • Cal Poly SLO
    • UC Irvine
    • CSU Los Angeles
    • USC
    • UCLA
    • UC Santa Barbara
    It was a great experience to go out of Elk Grove and explore the real world. I got to know more about the universities and there different majors.
  • Donated Blood

    Donated Blood
    This is a personal achievement. I am really scared of blood but i acutally donated a pint. I was going to donated in January but I got scared so I didn't do so. But in May, I took the step to donate. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would and it felt great knowing that I saved three lives.
  • 4.375 GPA in sophomore year

    This is an academic achievement. I took AP World History, Honors Biology, and Honor Algebra ll. I was able to get A's in all four terms. I received +.25 gpa boost for each AP/Honor class. This was a great deal for me becuase my cumulative GPA went over 4.0.