Personal Timeline Project

  • Date of Birth

    Date of Birth
    August 21st, 1997, i was born at st. mary's hospital.
  • First time at the beach (Myrtle Beach)

    First time at the beach (Myrtle Beach)
    I went on my first vacation ever to Myrtle Beach and almost got bitten by a sand shark while i was in the water.
  • First day of school (holliday elementary)

    First day of school (holliday elementary)
    September 7th, I had my first day of school at Holliday Elementary.
  • Parents divorced

    Parents divorced
    My parents decided to divorce, and my mom won custody, so now i live with my mom.
  • Got first dog

    Got first dog
    I got my first dog which was a German Shepherd, from my mom's boyfriend.
  • Surgery getting polyp removed

    Surgery getting polyp removed
    I had to get a polyp removed from my nasal cavity, and the doctors had said it was the biggest polyp they had ever seen.
  • Got first cellphone

    Got first cellphone
    I got my first phone for my 11th birthday.
  • Traveled to Pennsylvania and explored Amish Country

    Traveled to Pennsylvania and explored Amish Country
    I traveled to Pennsylvania and explored the Amish Country, and got to visit all the family-owned shops and look at different things the families had made.
  • Chorus field trip to busch gardens

    Chorus field trip to busch gardens
    In 8th grade, i was in all county chorus where we got to compete in a competition against other schools at Busch Gardens, where we also got to ride the rides.
  • Got learners permit

    Got learners permit
    This year, i got my permit 6 months late after failing the permit test 2 times.
  • Bought apartment with friend

    Bought apartment with friend
    After i turn 18 i want to share rent in an apartment with my bestfriend.
  • Goes to college at Virginia Tech

    Goes to college at Virginia Tech
    I want to eventually transfer from J Sarge to VTech and major in vetinary science and zoology.