personal timeline mo

By oyenm
  • birth

    when i was born i got caught by my moms ribs and i broke my coller bone. 2 years after that i broke it again.
  • first birthday

    for my 1 birthday i got this big huge elmo doll that was the size of me. i didnt know what to do with it because i was 1 but i slept with it for a long time
  • my first word

    my first word was mom. my mom thought it was so cute so she told me to say it again so i did... the whole day and the next day after
  • first steps

    i stood up and then my first step i fell over. but i got up again and the same thing happened
  • got my first pet

    someone gave us a chocolate lab/wolf free of charge she just gave it to us. its pretty sad but we only had him for about a year because he had to be put down for breaking my uncles arm
  • moved to canton

    i moved to canton from lennox. but i had to move away from my best friend named jaxson.
  • went to mall of america

    i went to an all paid for trip to mall of america with a kid named hudson and his mom that works with my mom
  • went to mount rushmore

    i went to mount rushmore with my grandma. it was really fun because it was huge.
  • great grandpa died

    i didnt really know my great grandpa but when he died i still felt really sad he was about 87
  • parents got married

    my mom got married to this guy named rick and he became my step dad.