personal timeline

  • wedding

    my mom and my dad got married
  • home

    my mom and ad bought a house on Fairview Road
  • firefly photography

    my mom started a company called Firefly photography
  • saint johns

    my mom and my dad went to saint johns.
  • Ireland

    my grandpop traveled across the sea from Ireland to united the united states to help my mom because she was pregnant
  • Keiran birth

    I was born at 10:08 2/8/06 at Bryn Mawr Hospital
  • world series

    me and my dad went to the phillies prade when they won the world series in 2008
  • moving

    we moved from Fairview down the street to rolling road and we live there now
  • Bahamas

    me and my family went to the Bahamas
  • Home run!

    I hit my first ever home run in baseball in 3rd grade
  • all star

    I was picked to be an all-star and play at the 76ers stadium