Personal Timeline

By Beadlel
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Hurricane Katrina was a devastating category 5 hurricane that hit Florida and Louisiana. It was the 3rd major hurricane of the record-breaking 2005 Atlantic hurricane season.
  • Logan Matthew Beadle was Born

    Logan Matthew Beadle was Born
    I, Logan Matthew Beadle, was born on October 5th, 2005. this was the start of a pretty average person's life.
  • New Horizons Launched

    New Horizons Launched
    New Horizons launched to set out for Pluto. it is said to reach there by July 14th, 2015.
  • Moving to North Carolina

    Moving to North Carolina
    On April 18th, 2006, I moved from Columbia Missouri to Jacksonville North Carolina.
  • Pluto is Reclassified as a Dwarf

    Pluto is Reclassified as a Dwarf
    People have been debating for a while now on whether Pluto is a Dwarf or a planet but we have finally come to the decision that it is a dwarf.
  • Barack Obama Becomes President

    Barack Obama Becomes President
    Obama is elected as the first black president in U.S. history.
  • Moving to Maryland

    Moving to Maryland
    In December 20th, 2010, we moved from Jacksonville North Carolina to Crofton Maryland.
  • Osama Bin Laden is Killed

    Osama Bin Laden is Killed
    Osama Bin Laden, the man behind the destruction of the twin towers and many other terrorist attacks, was found by a group of Navy Seals and killed.
  • Moving to St. Louis

    Moving to St. Louis
    On October 30th, 2011, we moved from Crofton Maryland to St. Louis Missouri.
  • First Communion

    First Communion
    On April 13th, 2014, I made my first communion at church.