Personal Timeline

  • 2015 BCE

    Freshman Year.

    Freshman Year.
    Freshman year was a very memorable year for me . I realized how important school is and learned from mistakes
  • 2014 BCE

    8th grade commencement

    8th grade commencement
    Passing 8th grade was a memorable moment because it was my next step in life to become a teen . Also , i was entering high school
  • 2011 BCE

    Getting my first cat

    Getting my first cat
    When i was 10 years old i was given a kitty from my brothers (then) girlfriend . This is an important event because ever since then im became in love with cats.
  • 2008 BCE

    Falling in love with funk

    Falling in love with funk
    When i was 8 , my aunt moved back in with my grandma . I use to go everyday and she would play songs from the 70s/80s . She taught me to never fake the funk .
  • 2005 BCE

    Failing 1st grade

    Failing 1st grade
    I was held back in 1st grade . I could of been a senior in 2016 ....