Personal Timeline

By 309864
  • The day I was born

    I made this selection becuase it was the day my life started. Without this day I would not be where I am now.
  • My First Day of Elementary School

  • My First Day of Dance

    This was important to me becuse it started my whole dance career. Dance is extremely important to me and I love it so much.
  • When I Lost My First Tooth

    This was important because it was the fist time I got closer to having a perfect smile. Also it was a different first tooth expierience than most others. My tooth got knocked out on a trampoline! So instead of just having a wiggly tooth and it getting pulled out I got hit and WHAM it was out.
  • First Day of Middle School

    This was important to my life because it was the first time I had lockers. It was also the first time I has multiple classes and more responsibility.
  • My 12th Birthday

  • Period: to

    Total timespan of my life so far