My birth
A historical event in my life was when i was born. -
First time breaking a bone
A historical event in my life was breaking a bone for the first time. It happened when I was in the first grade. -
Promoting from elementary school
A historical event in my life was when i promoted from elementary school to middle school. This is historical because it was the first time i promoted from something important. -
Promoting from middle school
Another historical event in my life was when i promoted from middle school to high school. It was historical because i continued going to school and now i was going to go to a school with older kids and there were much more things i would need to do since i was going to high school. -
The loss of a best friend
A historical event in my life was when one of the best friends that i ever had passed away. I'ts historical because he was one of the friends that I would mainly hang out with.