Personal Timeline

  • Date of Birth

    Day I was born
  • 9/11

    A group of Islamist extremists hijacked four planes and made them crash into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York.
  • Moving Day

    Moving Day
    The day I moved houses
  • Prince George's Birth

    Prince George's Birth
    Day prince George was born
  • Boston Bombing

    Boston Bombing
    2 homemade bombs detonated during a marathon in Boston.
  • Special Birthday

    Special Birthday
    I got my first phone on my 14th Birthday
  • Middle School Graduation

    The day that I graduated grade 8
  • Change in Canadian Prime Ministers

    Change in Canadian Prime Ministers
    Justin Trudeau became the Prime Minister in Canada and won to Stephen Harper
  • Death of Toronto ex-Mayor

    Death of Toronto ex-Mayor
    Rob Ford Died
  • Enrichment Studies Unit in Queens University

    Enrichment Studies Unit in Queens University
    An academic program where you must stay on campus in Queens University fro a week and take classes as is you were a University student