Personal Timeline

  • Bought House 5BB

    Bought House 5BB
    My Mom and Dad bought a house in Briarcliffe.
  • Cocoa 5BB

    Cocoa 5BB
    My Mom and Dad bought their first dig which also ended up being my first dog.
  • Marriage 5BB

    Marriage 5BB
    My Mom and Dad got married.
  • Sister born 3BB

    Sister born 3BB
    My sister Mackenzie was born.
  • Birth

    I was born.
  • Molly 2AB

    Molly 2AB
    We got another dog named Molly.
  • Brother Born 6AB

    Brother Born 6AB
    My brother JJ was born.
  • Communion 6AB

    Communion 6AB
    I made my Communion.
  • Disney World 8AB

    Disney World 8AB
    We went to Disney World for our first time as a family.
  • Mudge 11AB

    Mudge 11AB
    We got another dog named Mudge.