Personal Timeline

  • Apple gives out the IPOD

  • I was born

  • 9/11

    America had a terrorist against the World Trade center, the Pentagon. I was 11 days old when it happened, and I don't even remember it happening obviously. It was the time when Americans were scared about their own being.
  • Parent Divorce

    This event was important because it slowly shaped who I was/am becoming. I moved with my mom and was put into a lot of sports. My dad moved to Laramie for college.
  • Hurricane Katrina came to the US and show everyone our week side

  • My little brother Isaiah was born

  • Little Brother Teigan was born

  • Obama elected 1st time

    He was the first black president. He was the first president that was elected in my life time that I remember. It was important to me, for it was what got me interested into politics.
  • Moved...again

    I moved in with my dad. It was my 5th grade year and it was my 8th school. My dad and I went in the culture of comic books. This increased my love for ready stuff. And comic con in the near future.
  • Haiti was struck by a devastating earthquake

  • Went to Junior High

  • Google shoots for the moon

  • US Navy seals Osama Bin Laden

  • Obama wins his second election as president

  • First Comic con

    It was amazing. It made a huge difference in my hobbies. I started to love anime and fighting shows. I was Link from Legend of Zelda and would go back next year.
  • Boston bombing

    While Boston was running a marathon, another terrorist attack happened on the runners. The bombing killed 2 people, injured hundreds, in which 16 lost limbs. This was a tragic time in the US.
  • Moved to Lander

    I moved to Lander Wyoming for 1/2 of my Freshmen year. I made new friends and I was living with my grandparents for a few months,
  • Moved to Arvada

    I moved to Arvada to live closer to my mother whom lived in Fort Collins. This would be my 12th school. I started the middle of Freshmen year and was put in Chemistry. I had to take the finals for the classes that I was in for a week
  • 3rd Comic con

    I went to my 3rd Comic con. I met Vic M., anime voice actor, and I also met my current girlfriend. We were characters from the same anime and that is how we met,
  • Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    A 26 year old security guard shot up a gay night club. He killed 49 people and injured 53 others in an act or terrorism. Most people think it happened because of non gay protest, but this one went a little too far.
  • Trump becomes US first Orange president

    What a time to be alive, when the US picks between Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump. The votes were nearly 50 50 and very close to a tie. America has elected Donald Trump as our new president.