Personal Timeline

  • Parents married. 7 bb

    In 1998 my mom and my dad got married
  • First dog 4 bb

    In 2001 my parents got my first dog.
  • Parents buy house 3 bb

    In 2002 my parents bought the house that we still live in.
  • Parents redo kitchen

    My parents re did our kitchen to make it bigger in 2004. 1 bb
  • I was born

    I was born October 11th 2005
  • Brother born 2 ab

    On July 3rd 2007 my brother was born
  • Got my second dog 9 ab

    In 2014 I got my second dog
  • Made my first communion 10 ab

    I made my first communion in 2015
  • First day of middle school 12 ab

    My first day of middle school was in 2017
  • Confirmation 13 ab

    I made confirmation in 2018