Born In Pensacola, FL
Moved To Alaska
This is when my family uprooted everything to go live in Alaska and be closer to my moms side of the family. (Didn't necessarily move there on January the 1st) -
Hurricanes In Florida
Also most likely some of the reason we moved to Alaska was because of the hurricanes -
Moved Back To Florida And Started Kindergarten
After living with my dads parents while I went to preschool we moved back to Florida and moved into the house that we're currently living in now. I also started Kindergarten at Blue Angels Elementary. -
First iPhone Comes Out
Obviously I was too young to use a phone or even know what I phone was but today I have an iPhone 6s -
Got My Tonsils Taken Out
My tonsils were too large for my mouth so it was decided that I would have to get them removed because I wasn't growing into them. This was the summer after fourth grade and before fifth grade -
Got Into Reading YA Novels
This is the beginning of my love for reading and will follow along the lines of me wanting to be a writer. -
Started Middle School At Brown Barge Middle School
Started middle school at Brown Barge Middle School, which had a different curriculum than other schools. Also a magnet school, so getting in was difficult and I got lucky because my brother was already going there. -
Decided I Wanted To Be A Writer
We were doing this writing experiment at school where we right whatever at a certain time of the day and I went with writing a horrorish story. This led me to wanting to become a writer. -
Started Going to Therapy
Was in therapy for some issues that I had, it actually helped. Started going to therapy around February. Stopped going to therapy in August of the same year. -
First Love
Pretty self explanatory. Didn't end well. It ended towards the end of the school year. I'm over it now, but I've learned from it. -
Gay Marriage Was Legalized In the U.S.
Basically a big step towards rights for the LGBT community, brings hope to younger people for my friends and I. -
Started High School At Escambia High School
It was a big change from my middle school and took a while to adjust from the setbacks that popped up when I started school.