• Beginning Preschool

    Beginning Preschool
    I began preschool at Prince of Peace Catholic School. At this educational institution, I made my first close friendships, some that lasted until middle school. As a faith-based institution, my foundations as a Catholic were fortified.
  • Beginning Kindergarten

    Beginning Kindergarten
    I began Kindergarten at Timber Creek Elementary School. This is when I first met the classmates I would have for the next 12 years.
  • Beginning Middle School

    Beginning Middle School
    I began middle school at Aubry Bend Middle School. This is where I explored my interests and passions and prepared for high school.
  • Beginning High School

    Beginning High School
    I began my freshman year during the COVID-19 pandemic at Blue Valley Southwest High School.
  • Eagle Scout

    Eagle Scout
    I was awarded the Eagle Scout rank and recognized as a member of the National Inaugural Class of Female Eagle Scouts.
  • Special Olympics Youth Ambassador

    Special Olympics Youth Ambassador
    I was nominated to serve as an ambassador for Kansas Special Olympics.
  • Kansas BPA State President

    Kansas BPA State President
    I was elected to serve as the President of Kansas BPA.
  • Graduating High School

    Graduating High School
    I will graduate high school on May 18, 2024.
  • Entering College

    Entering College
    I will enter college in the fall of 2024 in pursuit of a bachelor's degree in computer engineering or entering into an early admissions medical school program.
  • Graduating College

    Graduating College
    Hopefully, I will graduate college in the spring of 2028.
  • Entering Medical School

    Entering Medical School
    I will hopefully be admitted into medical school and enter into it in the fall of 2028.
  • Graduating Medical School

    Graduating Medical School
    Hopefully I will graduate medical school and earn my medical doctorate in the spring of 2032.
  • Beginning My Residency

    Beginning My Residency
    Upon graduating medical school, I will enter into residency in hopes of pursuing a professional career in medicine.
  • Period: to

    What does the timeline tell you about yourself?

    The life and career path that I have chosen for myself is centered around education. In hopes of becoming a doctor, I will spend another 8 years learning after receiving my bachelor's degree before officially being able to practice medicine. Although this lifestyle is intensive, I am determined to work hard to make this my eventual reality.
  • Period: to

    How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?

    The events that would have the most significant impact on my timeline would be graduating high school and entering into medical school. If I didn't graduate high school, I likely wouldn't hold myself to nearly as high of a standard. If I didn't get admitted into medical school, I would likely pursue a career in engineering, completely altering my life plans.
  • Period: to

    How flexible or fixed does your future seem to be?

    My future appears to be relatively fixed. I have a clear vision for the rest of my life and have a plan to make it a reality. It is definitely a difficult path so if I do choose to pursue a different career along the way, then my future will become quite a bit more flexible.